Legend has it that this puzzle was created by Albert Einstein as a boy. Einstein said that only 2% of the world could solve it. Considering that there are 5!^5 or 24,883,200,000 combinations with only 1 correct solution, are you up for the challenge?


  1. There are 5 houses in five different colors.
  2. In each house lives a person with a different nationality.
  3. These five owners drink a certain type of beverage, smoke a certain brand of cigar and keep a certain pet.
  4. No owners have the same pet, smoke the same brand of cigar or drink the same beverage.

The question is: Who owns the fish? 🐟


  1. the Brit lives in the red house
  2. the Swede keeps dogs as pets
  3. the Dane drinks tea
  4. the green house is on the left of the white house
  5. the green house’s owner drinks coffee
  6. the person who smokes Pall Mall rears birds
  7. the owner of the yellow house smokes Dunhill
  8. the man living in the center house drinks milk
  9. the Norwegian lives in the first house
  10. the man who smokes blends lives next to the one who keeps cats
  11. the man who keeps horses lives next to the man who smokes Dunhill
  12. the owner who smokes BlueMaster drinks beer
  13. the German smokes Prince
  14. the Norwegian lives next to the blue house
  15. the man who smokes blend has a neighbor who drinks water

Programmatic Solution (Permutation)

If we are going to solve a problem we need to recognize that it has variables and that those variables need a data structure to exist in so we can manipulate these variables into a proper solution. Lets store them in a dictionary of lists.

variables = {
    'colors' : ['red'     , 'green'  , 'white' , 'yellow'    , 'blue'  ],
    'races'  : ['brit'    , 'swede'  , 'dane'  , 'norwegian' , 'german'],
    'drinks' : ['tea'     , 'coffee' , 'milk'  , 'beer'      , 'water' ],
    'smokes' : ['pallMall', 'dunhill', 'blends', 'blueMaster', 'prince'],
    'pets'   : ['dogs'    , 'birds'  , 'cats'  , 'horses'    , 'fish'  ]

Next we’ll be defining our constraints, the basic rules that govern the position and associated items that we will use to bruteforce our solution. If two items are related to one another, for instance hint #1 which states that the brit lives in the red house, we say that they are equal mathematically. When we attempt to bruteforce the answer, we will be crunching number representations of each list.

equals  = lambda a,b: True if a == b else False
next_to = lambda a,b: True if a == b - 1 or a == b + 1 else False
left_of = lambda a,b: True if a == b - 1 else False

In order to fully comprehend the following snippet of code, we must first understand De Morgan’s theorem. These laws are used in propositional logic, Boolean algebra, simplification of logical expressions in computer programs and digital circuit designs.

“the negation of a disjunction is the conjunction of the negations; and
the negation of a conjunction is the disjunction of the negations;” ― Wikipedia

( not True and not False ) == ( not (True or  False) )
( not True or  not False ) == ( not (True and False) )

We will use the aforementioned laws to reduce the verbosity of the resulting code below. In essence we are bruteforcing permutations against constraints defined in the lambda functions.

perm = list(permutations(range(1, 5+1)))
for red, green, white, yellow, blue in perm:
    if not left_of(green, white):
    for brit, swede, dane, norwegian, german in perm:
        if not ( equals(brit, red) and next_to(norwegian, blue) ):
        for tea, coffee, milk, beer, water in perm:
            if not ( equals(dane, tea) and equals(green, coffee) and \
                     milk == 3         and norwegian == 1 ):
            for pallMall, dunhill, blends, blueMaster, prince in perm:
                if not ( equals(yellow, dunhill) and equals(blueMaster, beer) and \
                         equals(german, prince)  and next_to(blends, water) ):
                for dogs, birds, cats, horses, fish in perm:
                    if not ( equals(swede, dogs)   and equals(pallMall, birds) and \
                             next_to(blends, cats) and next_to(horses, dunhill) ):

We could also negate the python keyword all to achieve the same effect.

perm = list(permutations(range(1, 5+1)))
for red, green, white, yellow, blue in perm:
    if not left_of(green, white):
    for brit, swede, dane, norwegian, german in perm:
        if not all([equals(brit, red), next_to(norwegian, blue)]):
        for tea, coffee, milk, beer, water in perm:
            if not all([ equals(dane, tea), equals(green, coffee), 
                         milk == 3, norwegian == 1 ]):
            for pallMall, dunhill, blends, blueMaster, prince in perm:
                if not all([ equals(yellow, dunhill), equals(blueMaster, beer), 
                             equals(german, prince), next_to(blends, water) ]):
                for dogs, birds, cats, horses, fish in perm:
                    if not all([ equals(swede, dogs), equals(pallMall, birds), 
                                 next_to(blends, cats), next_to(horses, dunhill) ]):

It’s important to realize why we can’t just test the constraints under the final nested iterative loop. If we attempted to do that, it could take a very long time to compute the answer. Imagine if left_of(green, white) was in the last loop instead of the first, we wouldn’t have hit the continue in the first iterative loop and instead we would have had to go through all the permutations of each subsequent loop after the first just to check the constraint that should have ended all the unnecessary iterations. By placing the constraints in the highest loop that supports their variables, we save massive amounts of time.

When we reach a solution by bruteforcing all the permutations above, we will have arrived at our solution. This solutions data structure will look something like this if it were printed out:

    [red     , green  , white , yellow    , blue  ],
    [brit    , swede  , dane  , norwegian , german],
    [tea     , coffee , milk  , beer      , water ],
    [pallMall, dunhill, blends, blueMaster, prince],
    [dogs    , birds  , cats  , horses    , fish  ]

[3, 4, 5, 1, 2] [3, 5, 2, 1, 4] [2, 4, 3, 5, 1] [3, 1, 2, 5, 4] [5, 3, 1, 2, 4]

Our next step is to associate the solved positions with their string counterparts into something that looks more like this:

    [ ('red'     , 3), ('green'  , 4), ('white' , 5), ('yellow'    , 1), ('blue'  , 2) ]
    [ ('brit'    , 3), ('swede'  , 5), ('dane'  , 2), ('norwegian' , 1), ('german', 4) ]
    [ ('tea'     , 2), ('coffee' , 4), ('milk'  , 3), ('beer'      , 5), ('water' , 1) ]
    [ ('pallMall', 3), ('dunhill', 1), ('blends', 2), ('blueMaster', 5), ('prince', 4) ]
    [ ('dogs'    , 5), ('birds'  , 3), ('cats'  , 1), ('horses'    , 2), ('fish'  , 4) ]

We can accomplish this with a simple lambda expression which combines the strings found in the corresponding variables dictionary in their old order configuration with the newly ordered values we just bruteforced. The reason we do this is so we can sort the list into its proper arrangement, we then immediately discard the position as it is no longer needed once the string is sorted.

g = lambda oldLst,newPos: [i for i,j in sorted(zip(oldLst, newPos), key=lambda x: x[1])]

The resulting data structure from the list comprehension will produce a list of tuples filled with the strings in their proper order. We just simply need to print them out by iterating over the solved positions.

for (k,v), new in zip(variables.items(), (
    [red     , green  , white , yellow    , blue  ],
    [brit    , swede  , dane  , norwegian , german],
    [tea     , coffee , milk  , beer      , water ],
    [pallMall, dunhill, blends, blueMaster, prince],
    [dogs    , birds  , cats  , horses    , fish  ]
    print("{:6s}: {:10s} {:10s} {:10s} {:10s} {:10s}".format(k, *g(v, new)))

Full program & output

from itertools import permutations

def main():
    variables = {
        'colors' : ['red'     , 'green'  , 'white' , 'yellow'    , 'blue'  ],
        'races'  : ['brit'    , 'swede'  , 'dane'  , 'norwegian' , 'german'],
        'drinks' : ['tea'     , 'coffee' , 'milk'  , 'beer'      , 'water' ],
        'smokes' : ['pallMall', 'dunhill', 'blends', 'blueMaster', 'prince'],
        'pets'   : ['dogs'    , 'birds'  , 'cats'  , 'horses'    , 'fish'  ]

    equals  = lambda a,b: a == b
    next_to = lambda a,b: a == b - 1 or a == b + 1
    left_of = lambda a,b: a == b - 1
    perm = list(permutations(range(1, 5+1)))
    for red, green, white, yellow, blue in perm:
        if not left_of(green, white):
        for brit, swede, dane, norwegian, german in perm:
            # if not ( equals(brit, red) and next_to(norwegian, blue) ):
            if not all([equals(brit, red), next_to(norwegian, blue)]):
            for tea, coffee, milk, beer, water in perm:
                # if not ( equals(dane, tea) and equals(green, coffee) and \
                #          milk == 3         and norwegian == 1 ):
                if not all([ equals(dane, tea), equals(green, coffee), 
                             milk == 3, norwegian == 1 ]):
                for pallMall, dunhill, blends, blueMaster, prince in perm:
                    # if not ( equals(yellow, dunhill) and equals(blueMaster, beer) and \
                    #          equals(german, prince)  and next_to(blends, water) ):
                    if not all([ equals(yellow, dunhill), equals(blueMaster, beer), 
                                 equals(german, prince), next_to(blends, water) ]):
                    for dogs, birds, cats, horses, fish in perm:
                        # if not ( equals(swede, dogs)   and equals(pallMall, birds) and \
                        #          next_to(blends, cats) and next_to(horses, dunhill) ):
                        if not all([ equals(swede, dogs), equals(pallMall, birds), 
                                     next_to(blends, cats), next_to(horses, dunhill) ]):

                        g = lambda oldLst,newPos: [i for i,j in sorted(zip(oldLst, newPos), key=lambda x: x[1])]
                        # iterate through the solved positions sorting each tuple of solutions as we print
                        for (k,v), new in zip(variables.items(), (
                            [red     , green  , white , yellow    , blue  ],
                            [brit    , swede  , dane  , norwegian , german],
                            [tea     , coffee , milk  , beer      , water ],
                            [pallMall, dunhill, blends, blueMaster, prince],
                            [dogs    , birds  , cats  , horses    , fish  ]
                            print("{:6s}: {:10s} {:10s} {:10s} {:10s} {:10s}".format(k, *g(v, new)))

if __name__ == "__main__":
colors: yellow     blue       red        green      white
races : norwegian  dane       brit       german     swede
drinks: water      tea        milk       coffee     beer
smokes: dunhill    blends     pallMall   prince     blueMaster
pets  : cats       horses     birds      fish       dogs